procedure main param exe,cheatd set century on if type("exe") = "U" .or. type("cheatd") = "U" do fmt quit endif if !file(exe) do fmt ? "Can not find your program!" quit endif if substr(cheatd,3,1) <> "/" .or. substr(cheatd,6,1) <> "/" .or. len(cheatd) < 10 do fmt ? "Invalid format on date!" quit endif od = dtoc(date()) nd = cheatd run date &nd run &exe run date &od inkey(0) return procedure fmt cls ? "Change date version 2000.1" ? "Help to change date for your shareware." ? "----------------------------------------------" ? "Format : chgdate2 [program] [mm/dd/yyyy]" ? " chgdate2 e.exe 12/31/1998" ? " or chgdate2 e.exe 08/31/1998" ? " or chgdate2 e.exe 12/05/1998" ? " or chgdate2 c:\clipper5\ 12/31/1998" ? "----------------------------------------------" ? "----- Shotcut for calling your shareware -----" ? "------------- Freeware for you ---------------" return // Compile and link (chgdate2.prg) // c:\clipper5\clipper chgdate2 /n // c:\clipper5\rtlink file chgdate2